Leaderboard - for me or for you?

At CrossFit we are known for our whiteboards, and for most coaches a full whiteboard is a happy whiteboard. With the Open only a week away I thought it was the perfect time to discuss the role the whiteboard plays.

The question that keeps coming up is “to leaderboard or not to leaderboard?” And the answer to that question lies in your motives behind leaderboarding.

We all love to finish first, it’s human nature to want to win. But what is winning? To me winning is showing up and doing my best. It’s not possible to come first every workout, or in my case to even finish first once a week, but I never fail to put up my score, and the knowledge that my score is up there and I am accountable to that number drives me to work harder.

The old saying “you are only in competition with oneself” stands true. Very few members care about where they are placed on any given day and the Open should be no different. So if you showed up, participated and you gave 100% why wouldn’t you be proud of your score?!

-Coach Sariet

Anna Atras