CrossFit Outside the Box

This week I came across this quote from Greg Glassman “the greatest adaptation in CrossFit takes place between the ears.” It got me thinking about what life lessons we take away from our training and what we are able to use outside the box.

•Life is a chipper, not a sprint. So long as you keep moving forward, no matter the pace, you are making progress and all you have to do is take one step at a time.

•When it comes to lifting I have found that the best way to work up to a desired weight is to work backwards. I decide what my final target is and work backwards to figure out how I’m getting there. The same can be applied to many situations in life. Decide what your goal is, then plan backwards the steps you have to take to make it there.

•There is no such thing as I can’t, just I can’t today.

•If it means enough to you, you will find a way. If you can’t master the daily discipline towards your goals or overcome the obstacles in your way, you clearly don’t want it enough.

•There is always someone better then you at everything. Embrace your weaknesses, be vulnerable, ask for help and let them help you overcome them.

And finally

•Don’t judge a book (or a person) by its cover. It might be a bit cliche but you never know when you are about to cross paths with your future best friends. Sometimes all it takes is a barbell knocking down some barriers to teach you that.

-Coach Sariet

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